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Time signature
Sound style
Dark mode
A440 Hz

Time signature settings

Beat accents

Tempo Setting

In compound time signatures (e.g. 6/8) the beat and metronome tempo is usually set to a dotted quarter note (3 eighth notes group per beat).




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Practice Basics

Tips on fundamentals of practicing with the metronome.

Practice Tips

Inspire your music practice through interviews and thoughts of master musicians.

Timing is Everything...

There are some of us in the guitar playing community who just enjoy a strum every now and again (who doesn’t?) and then others who like to put a more formal...
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Recent articles

Inspirational stories from master musicians, diverse perspectives on rhythm, and tips on how to practice and perform music.

Mastering Rhythm with Subdivisions

Subdivisions are a clever technique to stay right in the rhythm pocket. It’s all about counting, feeling, or humming those tiny beats that live within the bigger ones. This trick becomes your best friend, especially when you’re dealing with slower, mellower tempos. [big_quote] Subdivisions are like the building blocks of beats, the smaller pulses that make up ...
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Advanced Metronome Tips

Metronome Online metronome app offers several advanced functionalities that you can incorporate into your practice. These include subdivisions, beat patterns, and various time signatures. [big_quote]Let’s explore some exercises you can use to enhance your practice and improve your musicality.[/big_quote] 1. “Set” the metronome to the offbeat This exercise doesn’t actually change the metronome setting but ...
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Play Time to Improve Your Time

Just because you’re not a drummer, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to keep time.  The famous quote by the legendary American pianist and composer Thelonious Monk sums it all up – any instrument in any ensemble is responsible for keeping time and not relying on other instruments to keep their place.  While rhythmic instruments ...
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